Academics working in the 4EU+ universities can submit project proposals regarding education that would engage students and doctoral candidates. All projects have to involve at least three 4EU+ member universities and fall under one of the four 4EU+ flagship programmes.
The collaboration within 4EU+ will be marked by a shared approach to higher education that is being developed. For now, its main features are:
- Challenged-based, addressing key challenges and problems that our societies are facing, often in an interdisciplinary way, and engaging with the public;
- Student-centred, allowing and encouraging students to develop a personalised learning pathway, following their curiosity and questions and engaging in active learning;
- Knowledge-centred, understanding learning as research and asking academics to integrate their research into their teaching;
- Competence-oriented, cultivating a set of competences and skills that each 4EU+ student should be able to demonstrate.
Academics of 4EU+ are invited to submit project proposals that can have various forms, e.g. workshops and other short-term intensive learning experiences (summer/winter schools), seminars, joint courses and modules, core curricula, or joint study programmes. All of them need to be daring and innovative.
Project proposals need to be rooted in the 4EU+ Flagship Programmes:
- Health and demographic change in an urban environment;
- Europe in a changing world: Understanding and engaging societies, economies, cultures and languages;
- Transforming science and society by advancing information, computation and communication;
- Biodiversity and sustainable environment.
Proposals for educational projects should be submitted between 15th June and 1st July.
At first, they need to be are handed in digitally to the local 4EU+ office. At UW, the office responsible for the collaboration with the 4EU+ universities is the Office for International Research and Liaison (please e-mail: marta.brelih-wasowska(at) and marta.jaworska-okninska(at)
Proposals are evaluated by the responsible Flagship Programme Committee and then approved/rejected by an expert group on education and the 4EU+ Secretary General.
The local EU+ officers will inform the applicants about the outcome, alongside with further information on the development of the project in practical terms (also finances).